And on we went in the merry month of April - at the peak of the galaxy season. Logically, with NGC 5033 it was now the turn of another galaxy, which turned out to be not so easy. That was partly because during this session both the handbox of the motor focus and my filter wheel for the Newton dropped the sails. Fortunately I have the same hand controller for the Epsilon, which I changed for the Newton until I got a new one.
It was easier with the filter wheel, "only" one filter had come loose and jammed. Unfortunately, the motor shaft has seized the rubber ring that is placed around the filter wheel insert and connects it to the shaft, which caused problems when moving the filter wheel. I was able to fix this temporarily by turning the rubber ring. TS thankfully sent me a new one a few days later for free. Luckily I was able to finish the recordings before.
While editing, I noticed that the luminance images in the core of the galaxy lacked clear details, which is why I left the core completely without luminance. For this purpose I masked the luminance at the core of the LRGB combination.
I was quite happy with the pure RGB images. The colouring also worked well right from the start and was only slightly raised by me for the final result: